World Water Day 2024 ( To recognize the importance of safe water )

World Water Day 2024 ( To recognize the importance of safe water )

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Water is essential for all life on earth. It’s safe to say that water makes Earth the only living planet. This universal remedy is one of our greatest resources on the planet. Without water, life cannot function. After all, it makes up about 70% of the Earth’s surface.

World Water Day, held on March 22 every year, is an opportunity to recognize the importance of safe water especially this year in Bengaluru’s water crisis The tech hub is facing acute water scarcity due to failed monsoon and drying up of groundwater resources . history The first formal proposal for World Water Day was made at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 in Agenda 21. A resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly adopted in December 1992 declaring March 22 as World Water Day.

The United Nations (UN) celebrates this day to promote sustainable management of freshwater resources. The day marks the annual launch of a special United Nations report on water and sanitation. This year’s theme is ‘Water for Prosperity and Peace’. Thus, the issue will be examined in the UN’s Flagship World Water Development Report (WWDR) for 2024, to be published today. The theme changes from year to year, but with particular emphasis on contextual issues related to safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), in line with goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Water can bring peace or cause conflict- Tensions arise in societies when water is scarce or polluted or when people struggle to access it. Only through unity can we balance everyone’s water needs. Prosperity and peace depend on mass aquatic migration and political violence Aquatic cooperation makes states an integral part of climate change management. Water can get us out of trouble- uniting around a fair and sustainable water supply can create cooperation between communities and countries. We can overcome the water crisis peacefully by approaching this goal internationally through UN forums and by implementing actions at the local level.

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