Sustainable living
Sustainable living
In Germany, almost 90 percent of consumers want companies to operate in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. This is a recent survey from February 2021. But more and more people are becoming more active and want to live more sustainably on their own. This group who are “actively sustainable” is already 42 percent. Do you also want to live sustainable living? Here we have more sustainable living tips and examples of how you can live sustainably and live your life sustainably. You don’t have to be perfect – just get started!
Climate change, air pollution, world hunger and water scarcity are among the most pressing global problems. The whole problem is that unfortunately most of us don’t live sustainably. By consuming more resources than we can produce in the long run, we live at the expense of the environment and less developed countries. The carbon footprint refers to the amount of raw materials we use and the amount of pollution created by our users. The way we shop, what we buy, how we travel, work or spend our leisure time – everything greatly determines our ecological footprint. Sustainable living is a philosophy of minimizing personal, social and environmental impact. Environmental sustainability therefore not only means environmentally friendly but also socially acceptable. For example, people buying products that were produced under normal conditions. Sustainable living means behaving in a socially responsible manner by keeping your carbon footprint as small as possible. It encourages people to reduce the use of the earth’s resources and to reduce the damage between humans and the environment. Our advice will help you do this. chill!
For sustainable living Consistency in everyday life – 6 tips for consistent eating
Eat less meat
One-third of our carbon footprint is determined by the food we eat, according to Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World). About 80 percent of this is animal products. Besides the vast amounts of water needed to produce them, polluting our groundwater with liquid waste, and consuming valuable land for food production, working conditions in the meat industry tend to be anything but, makes industrial factory farming morally questionable. The most effective way to improve your environment is to avoid or reduce the consumption of animal products.
Many foods have a very negative carbon footprint due to transportation by truck, ship or even airplane. Of course, mangoes and pineapples don’t grow in Germany, so they have to be imported. But you might be able to stick to foods like less exotic fruit or imported beer. Instead, pick up regional fruits and vegetables. This is easier with many varieties like strawberries, tomatoes, or apples. Packaged and unpackaged foods, meanwhile, are labeled so you can identify the country of origin. You can shop from manufacturers in your region during your weekly market trip. Many cities now also have “market hawkers” – you order online and pick up regional produce from various suppliers as they are packed. Fresh produce boxes also deliver regional produce to your home. You discover new types of vegetables and the recipes provided explain how to make them. Do you like to drink water? Then try natural apple juice from the wild. A few miles across the orange juice in South America. In addition, the fruit trees in the area provide a playground for insects and birds.
Plan your shopping and save your food (eat the food you buy, reduce food waste).
Sustainable living or green also means living a more wasteful life. Food waste is a serious problem. Use the shopping list to buy what you really need. See what you have in stock. Larger quantities tend to be cheaper – but if you have to throw away more, you haven’t saved anything. Not sure what to do with two carrots, a leek stick and feta cheese? Just Google the ingredients and you will find many recipes that call for these ingredients alone. You can also join food sharing and not save food and throw it away. You can search the web for places near you and join and make new friends.
Go organic and fair Sustainable living includes social responsibility as well as the environment. Processed foods like coffee, juice and chocolate help make more money ending up with manufacturers. When you buy organic, you reduce your carbon footprint and support the production of environmentally friendly foods. Travel and climate change: 5 tips for sustainable travel Less flight You think, you know – in air travel you increase your carbon footprint undeniably. Because no form of travel is more harmful to the climate than air travel. Global air traffic has nearly tripled since 1990 and is still growing strongly. Understand that air travel is so cheap because there are no environmental pollution charges and no kerosene tax for air travel, unlike energy subsidies for rail travel. For sustainable living think about how often you can do it or if you can do it without air travel. How about taking a train up the Alps instead of the Andes? Or at least how about more spontaneous city trips and bike riding? If you can still fly, find ways to limit your CO2 emissions.
For sustainable living buy in small quantities or consider buying used By buying less, you help reduce mountains of waste in the form of electronic waste, plastic, or clothing. Do you want to pay employees a fair wage? Then think about who you will be ordering from or buying from locally. Or look through catalogs or Web sites to see if you can buy second-hand items. Repair damaged equipment There may be other ways to buy a new one: for example, many cities have repair cafés where people share their knowledge and help repair your bike, computer or other broken items. It connects relationships Digitization has made sharing easier: there are many different methods and offerings for car sharing. Cultural sharing also has its benefits – not everyone needs their own hoover, lawnmower or drill. When you share, you protect the environment and recognize other people in your community.
Our list of lifestyle tips for sustainable living is quite extensive. You can’t use everything, but every practice helps. Some things have big impacts on the environment and climate change, others have smaller ones. Sometimes you find it biologically easier to survive, sometimes you don’t have the energy to change anything. But it is, after all, we are all human. By sharing your importance to sustainability and how you overcome your challenges, you can attract others by being a role model. By focusing on sustainability in your business, you can make a big difference. Just do what you want to do and celebrate your success and remember that every step or action counts no matter how small.